Shop And Support


BottleDrop offers blue bags with stickers that can be dropped off at a BottleDrop location that accepts them. We will occasionally have blue bags and stickers avaialble at rehearsals, and we also hope to have them available to audience members the days of our concerts.

If you have a balance on your BottleDrop account, you can also donate any amount of that to BCB.

For PC/Mac, log in to your Bottledrop account via their website. After logging in, on the landing page you can see Donate from Your Balance / Use Give.
On the BottleDrop app
  1. Tap on activity (trash bag icon)
  2. Use My $ (orange button on top of screen
  3. Nonprofit Donations
    1. Tap + Add
    2. Look up Beaverton Community Band
    3. Tap Donate Now
    4. Input how much money from your account you’d like to donate
    5. Tap Transfer

Fred Meyer

Fred Meyer will make a donation to the band when you use your Fred Meyer rewards card at checkout.

To set this up:

  1. Go to
  2. Sign-in or create an account
  3. If prompted, add your rewards card to your account and contact information
  4. Search for Beaverton Community Band and then Enroll the bandfredmeyer