From Waterlogged to Wowed: A Community Band’s Performance for the Ages (Despite the Weather)

Rain, Rain, Go Away: But Kara Hits a High Note Anyway!

On Saturday, May 3rd, we had the pleasure of performing at the first full market of the year at the Beaverton Farmers Market. Despite rain and temperatures that only managed to get into the high 40s, the band had a great time and we were well received by the Market patrons and staff. One of our trumpters, Keith Gardner, wrote a lovely poem to commemorate the day, and his standmate Kara’s rising to the occasion of playing 1st Trumpet.

Keith’s poem captures the soggy spirit of the day with a touch of humor.

The High Note

by Keith Gardner

The band was rather soggy on that market day in May
Rain had fallen cold and steady all throughout the day
The players huddled tightly underneath their canopy
Which dripped and dribbled at the seams and trickled endlessly

The band had played for hours an eclectic repertoire
Of music from around the world from countries near and far
As time went by the players embouchures began to fade
All involved were sure not much more music could be played

High brass lips were getting weak and play was getting rough
Reaching up to high notes was absolutely tough
When at last the conductor announced the final pieces
All agreed in silence “it’s high time this concert ceases!”

Sousa’s grand march, the Stars and Stripes was the final chart
The band was set to give their best and play with all their heart
The second trumpets of the day were Kara, Keith and Kurt
Word came that these seconds would instead be playing first!

The final downbeat came at last, the band began to play
The strains of Sousa’s music echoed out across the way
The roller coaster highs and lows, the well composed refrains
Were played to full perfection (despite the constant rains)

They reached that final section with its well-known building roll
The full band was involved now to achieve the final goal
That crescendo finds it peak six bars before the end
With a high B-flat first trumpet note that caps that rising trend

As that defining moment came resolve filled Kara’s brain
She knew she had to hit that note in spite of all her pain
Her trumpet sounded bright and strong, loud and true and clear
A perfect culmination for the whole wide world to hear

A million notes were sounded in that farmers market mall
But Kara’s high B-flat note stands out above them all